Anne - 2006-11-17 00:23:57
Cute Peach! What a cute name...
Toast n' Candy - 2006-11-17 01:34:09
Bonjour! As I mentioned, I went to Chez Maman this evening with two new friends that I met through my hubby and we celebrated Beaujelais Neuveaux with a glass (or two) and it was wonderful! I felt so "in the know" because you had told me about it just last night. Salut and Vive la France! ;)
Meghan - 2006-11-20 19:25:52
I'm so excited - this is both my first comment I have posted to a blog and my first appearance (at least that I am aware of) in a blog. Hooray!
muselady - 2006-12-01 00:28:02
Hi Nancy. Came across your blog today from Flickr pics. Just wanted to comment and say that I am obsessed with Peche Mignon too! As you know I live in the neighborhood and I feel like I have to limit my visits or else she's (the owner) gonna think I'm stalking her or something! :-)

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